Free University of the Islands
New Courses
Courses currently on offer with step-by-step guidance. See links immediately below.
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New Courses
The courses linked from this section are new courses that are currently running and open for registration. Just click on the course title below and you will be taken to the course outline, schedule and materials.
Also, to register for each course, click on to the main course page where you will find a registration button at the top left. Click on it and just complete a very quick form. Done in two seconds. (Registering puts you under no obligation; it just gives us a rough idea of numbers. Please register for each course in a separate form).
Issues in Global Politics :
an introduction to International Relations
Issues in Global Politics : an introduction to International Relations
Issues in Global Politics : an introduction to International Relations
An Introduction to Philosophy
‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’
Something can be both true and mistaken at the same time.
For example, this quotation is almost always attributed to the poet WB Yeats. Yet there is no record of him ever writing or saying this.
Does the mistaken attribution of authorship diminish the truth of the claim ?.
W B Yeats